Our history

We were born in 2020 with a clear purpose: to work for the achievement of equality of rights and opportunities for colombian women working in the aerospace sector, as well as for their full social integration at all levels of training and professional practice. Get to know our history and some of our most important milestones.


First steps

In mid-August 2020, Luz María Martínez Sierra and Andrea Martínez Sierra gather a group of Colombian women passionate about the aerospace sector. At that moment, the idea of creating the Colombian Association of Women in Aerospace (ACMA) is born.

Colombian Association of Women in Aerospace
Colombian Association of Women in Aerospace



The first Board of Directors is formed and the official launch is held on February 22.

First Conference Cycles

The Aerospace Talents Conference Cycle is held with the participation of outstanding professionals in the aerospace sector. Together with Vera Gravitas, the Working with Microgravity Conference Cycle is developed.

First Scholarships

Scholarships are awarded to attend the virtual conferences WAI2021 (Women in Aviation) and WE21 of SWE (Society of Women Engineers).

Virtual University Fair

In August 2021, the first Virtual University Fair of ACMA is held with students and professionals from various academic programs and universities.

Hackathon Winners

In October 2021, during the World Space Week, a team of 5 ACMA women wins first place in the Hackathon Espacial Colombia 2021.


Board of Directors Renewal

Elections are held for the renewal of the Board of Directors. An action plan is established for the strengthening of the Association and short, medium and long-term objectives are defined.

Legal Constitution

An arduous work of more than two years achieves its first results. In September 2022, ACMA is legally constituted as a non-profit entity. The Board of Directors is renewed.

Analog Mission to Mars

A crew of 6 Colombian women from ACMA participates in an Analog Mission to Mars at the Hábitat Análogo de Exploración Espacial Simulada Colombia (HAdEES-C).

Colombian Association of Women in Aerospace
Colombian Association of Women in Aerospace


8th South American Space Generation Workshop (SASGW)

We participate as Strategic Allies in the 8th South American Space Generation Workshop (SASGW). In addition, our president participates as a panelist in the panel: Women in Aerospace of the Aerospace Symposium of Fundación Cydonia.

Colombian Space Community

We join the Colombian Space Community led by the National Space Society Colombia NSSC. We participate in the Space Forum Road to the National Digital Security and Space Affairs Agency.


Flight Experiences Scholarships

Three scholarships are awarded to live a flight experience in Medellín. In addition, talks and workshops are held to inspire more women to pursue careers in the aerospace sector.

Colombian Association of Women in Aerospace